The summer has been really busy preparing for this year’s Holiday Light Show. So while I have been diligently caring for the lawn, I haven’t been consciously taking pictures or reporting on it. Honestly, though, it’s grass growing. You’re not missing much.
Basically, it’s doing really well. I’m watering about 1/2" twice a week. I’m spot-treating weeds in the large bare spots with RoundUp every 2-3 weeks. And I’m out on Sunday mornings pulling spurge and crabgrass growing amongst the St. Augustine. I’m also diligently mowing every 5-7 days at the highest setting. Otherwise, I’m letting the lawn do it’s thing.
I wasn’t taking a picture of the lawn, particularly, but this shot of my mid-progress light show setup gives you an idea. The plugs I transplated from the back yard in June filled in that area nicely as the grass continues growing toward the driveway.
After this, I’ll put out the lawn props, which will fill up most of the front yard. Though it’s still hot, the days are getting shorter and I think the change in the amount of sunlight hours is triggering the transition to winter dormancy.
Once the ground temperatures drop to a consistent 70F (and after I do my Halloween-to-Christmas transition and won’t be distrubing the soil for awhile), I’ll treat the growing parts of the lawn with Prodiamine 65WDG pre-emergent herbicide. I’ll follow that up with a treatment of Image selective herbide over everything. Hopefully, that will put things in a good place for the winter and ready for Spring.